Interface BusinessObject<PK>

All Known Subinterfaces:
Lockable<PK>, LogicalDeletable<PK>, Modifiable<PK>, NuclosUserCommunicationAccount, Stateful, Stateful

public interface BusinessObject<PK>
BusinessObject represents an entry of a configured entity. Its methods correspond to the attributes of the entity.

Matthias Reichart
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static <PK, T extends BusinessObject<PK>>
    get(PK id)
    Returns the bo by id.
    Returns the name of the entity the BusinesObject bases on
    Returns the UID of the entity the BusinesObject bases on
    Returns the primary key of this object
    Returns the current version of this object
    Object is removed?
    Is this object a new one?
    Object is modified?
  • Method Details

    • getId

      PK getId()
      Returns the primary key of this object
    • getEntityUid

      UID getEntityUid()
      Returns the UID of the entity the BusinesObject bases on
    • getEntity

      String getEntity()
      Returns the name of the entity the BusinesObject bases on
    • getVersion

      Integer getVersion()
      Returns the current version of this object
    • isInsert

      boolean isInsert()
      Is this object a new one?
    • isUpdate

      boolean isUpdate()
      Object is modified?
    • isDelete

      boolean isDelete()
      Object is removed?
    • get

      static <PK, T extends BusinessObject<PK>> T get(PK id)
      Returns the bo by id.
      null, when bo does not exist