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Account - Static variable in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUserCommunicationAccount
Attribute: account

Entity: nuclos_userCommunicationAccount
Data type: java.lang.String
Localized: false
Output format: null
Scale: 255
Precision: null
action(ResultToolbarItemContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.ResultToolbarItem
Perform action based on context.
addAttachment(NuclosFile) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
attaches a NuclosFile to the email
addContextCacheValue(String, Object) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.RuleContext
This methods adds a Objects to the cache using the given key
addInlineAttachment(NuclosFile) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
Attaches a NuclosFile representing an inline attachment (e.g.
addLayoutComponentListener(LayoutComponentListener<PK>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponent
add new LayoutComponentListener to component
addRecipient(String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
adds a new recipient; the given string value will be checked if there is more then one recipient mentioned (semicolon separated)
addRecipientBCC(String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
adds a new BBC recipient; the given string value will be checked if there is more then one recipient mentioned (semicolon separated)
addRecipientCC(String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
adds a new CC recipient; the given string value will be checked if there is more then one recipient mentioned (semicolon separated)
addSupportedRequestContext(Class<C>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.communication.CommunicationInterface.Registration
addSystemParameter(String, String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.communication.CommunicationInterface.Registration
Alignment - Class in org.nuclos.api.ui
Alignment(AlignmentH, AlignmentV) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.ui.Alignment
AlignmentH - Enum in org.nuclos.api.ui
AlignmentV - Enum in org.nuclos.api.ui
and(Attribute, Boolean) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Query
and(SearchExpression) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Query
and(SearchExpression) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
This Constructor is used to join the current SearchExpression with a second SearchExpression using AND
AnonymousAuthentication - Annotation Type in org.nuclos.api.annotation
Marker for a custom rest rule method.
applyForAllMultiEditObjects() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputDelegateSpecification
internal use only
applyForAllMultiEditObjects() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
internal use only
Attribute<T> - Class in org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute
Represents an Attribute of a BusinessObject.
Attribute(String, String, String, String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute.Attribute
authenticate(AuthenticationContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.AuthenticationRule
AuthenticationContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
AuthenticationResult - Class in org.nuclos.api.authentication
This class is passed to Nuclos as the result of a rule-based authentication.
AuthenticationResult() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult
AuthenticationResult.Builder - Class in org.nuclos.api.authentication
A builder for AuthenticationResult
AuthenticationRule - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
An AuthenticationRule can authorize any request against our RESTful service.


build() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult.Builder
build() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl.Builder
buildBusinessObjectUrl(T) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.WebclientProvider
buildBusinessObjectUrl(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.WebclientProvider
buildBusinessObjectUrl(Class<T>, PK) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.WebclientProvider
builder() - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult
Constructs a new builder instance for an authentication result with default settings.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult.Builder
builder() - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl
Constructs a new builder instance for a Webclient URL
Builder() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl.Builder
buildUrl(WebclientUrl) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.WebclientProvider
buildUrl(WebclientUrl) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.WebclientService
BusinessException - Exception in org.nuclos.api.exception
BusinessException is a general exception class for checked exceptions in (user provided) business rules.
BusinessException() - Constructor for exception org.nuclos.api.exception.BusinessException
for deserialization only
BusinessException(String) - Constructor for exception org.nuclos.api.exception.BusinessException
Constructor to intiate the new NuclosBusinessException with an error message
BusinessException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nuclos.api.exception.BusinessException
Constructor to intiate the new NuclosBusinessException with an object of type Throwable
BusinessException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nuclos.api.exception.BusinessException
Constructor to intiate the new NuclosBusinessException with an object of type Throwable and an error message
BusinessObject<PK> - Interface in org.nuclos.api.businessobject
BusinessObject represents an entry of a configured entity.
BusinessObjectProvider - Class in org.nuclos.api.provider
BusinessObjectProvider provides methods for creating, updating and deleting new or existing BusinessObjects
BusinessObjectProvider() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.provider.BusinessObjectProvider
BusinessObjectService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service


CANCEL - Static variable in interface org.nuclos.api.context.ScriptContext
changeState(T, int) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.StatemodelProvider
- Use Stateful.changeStatus(State) to ensure type-safety
changeState(T, State) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.StatemodelProvider
changeState(StateChangeContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.StateChangeRule
StateChangeContext is the context providing all attributes and methods that are relevant for StateChange-operations.
changeState(T, int) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.StatemodelService
- Please use method changeState(T t, State state) for type-safety
changeState(T, State) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.StatemodelService
Method changes the state of the BusinessObject t.
changeStateFinal(StateChangeContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.StateChangeFinalRule
StateChangeContext is the context providing all attributes and methods that are relevant for StateChange-operations.
changeStatus(State) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.thin.Stateful
Changes Status.
childSearchExpression - Variable in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
clear() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.SpringInputContext
clearResponse() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.RequestContext
ClientPropertyService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
close() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.InputDelegate
Close the input delegate view, this will be called before the dialog is being closed.
close(boolean) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.UserSettingsEditor
CloseCommand - Class in org.nuclos.api.command
Commands the client to close the current window/tab.
CloseCommand() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.command.CloseCommand
CollectiveProcessingProxy - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
Command - Interface in org.nuclos.api.command
Represents a command the server sends to the client, e.g.
communicate(C) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.CommunicationRule
CommunicationContext is the context providing all custom - relevant attributes and methods.
CommunicationContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context.communication
communicationContextClass() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.CommunicationRule
This method describes the type of communication your rule is looking for.
CommunicationInterface - Interface in org.nuclos.api.communication
CommunicationInterface.Registration - Interface in org.nuclos.api.communication
CommunicationPort - Interface in org.nuclos.api.communication
A custom communication port must implement this interface.
CommunicationPortFactory<P extends CommunicationPort> - Interface in org.nuclos.api.communication
CommunicationPortFactory.InstanceContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.communication
CommunicationPortId - Static variable in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUserCommunicationAccount
Attribute: communicationPort

Entity: nuclos_userCommunicationAccount
Data type: org.nuclos.api.UID
Localized: false
Output format: null
Scale: null
Precision: null
CommunicationPortKey - Class in org.nuclos.api.communication
This class represents a communication port that has been configured in Nuclos; It is usually not used by rule programmers directly, but it is part of a CommunicationService-System and created during runtime.
CommunicationPortKey(String) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.communication.CommunicationPortKey
Constructor to set a new instance of the CommunicationPortKey class using the id of a communication port that has been created in Nuclos previously Internal use only
CommunicationProvider - Class in org.nuclos.api.provider
CommunicationProvider provides methods for communication with ports
CommunicationProvider() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.provider.CommunicationProvider
CommunicationRule<C extends CommunicationContext> - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
CommunicationRule is the interface that should be used to make an rule applicable for Communication-Events.
CommunicationService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
Communicator - Annotation Type in org.nuclos.api.annotation
CONFIRM_OK - Static variable in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
Input type to show a ok dialog.
CONFIRM_OK_CANCEL - Static variable in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
Input type to show a ok/cancel dialog.
CONFIRM_YES_NO - Static variable in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
Input type to show a yes/no dialog.
count(SearchExpression, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.DatasourceRule
create(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.QueryProvider
This methods returns an instance of Query that is type-specific to the class given as parameter.
createQuery(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.QueryService
createResult(List<Object[]>, List<DatasourceColumn>) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.DatasourceProvider
createResult(List<Object[]>, List<DatasourceColumn>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.DatasourceService
createResultColumn(String, Class) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.DatasourceProvider
createResultColumn(String, Class) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.DatasourceService
CurrentTransaction - Class in org.nuclos.api.transaction
CurrentTransaction provides methods for disabling Nuclos core features
CurrentTransaction() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.transaction.CurrentTransaction
custom(CustomContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.CustomRule
CustomContext is the context providing all custom - relevant attributes and methods.
Custom1 - Static variable in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUserCommunicationAccount
Attribute: custom1

Entity: nuclos_userCommunicationAccount
Data type: java.lang.String
Localized: false
Output format: null
Scale: 255
Precision: null
Custom2 - Static variable in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUserCommunicationAccount
Attribute: custom2

Entity: nuclos_userCommunicationAccount
Data type: java.lang.String
Localized: false
Output format: null
Scale: 255
Precision: null
Custom3 - Static variable in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUserCommunicationAccount
Attribute: custom3

Entity: nuclos_userCommunicationAccount
Data type: java.lang.String
Localized: false
Output format: null
Scale: 255
Precision: null
CustomContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
CustomContext represents the context used in a Custom-Rule
CustomRestContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
CustomRestContext represents the context used in CustomRestRule
CustomRestResponse - Class in org.nuclos.api.context
response of custom REST service containing additional header information
CustomRestResponse(Object) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.context.CustomRestResponse
CustomRestRule - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
CustomRestUploadContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
CustomRule - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
CustomRule is the interface that should be used to make an rule applicable for Custom-Events.


DataLocaleProvider - Class in org.nuclos.api.provider
DataLocaleProvider() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.provider.DataLocaleProvider
DataLocaleService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
Datasource - Interface in org.nuclos.api.datasource
The Datasource interface is used by concrete implementations of nuclos-datasources generated at runtime when creating/modifiyng datasources.
DatasourceColumn - Interface in org.nuclos.api.datasource
Represents a column of a DatasourceResult received by DatasourceProvider after executing a datasource-query
DatasourceProvider - Class in org.nuclos.api.provider
DatasourceProvider provides methods for executing datasource-queries
DatasourceProvider() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.provider.DatasourceProvider
DatasourceResult - Interface in org.nuclos.api.datasource
Represents a resultset received by DatasourceProvider after executing a datasource-query
DatasourceRule - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
DatasourceService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
DefaultAlignment - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui
delete() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.Modifiable
Deletes this bo.
delete(PK) - Static method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.Modifiable
Deletes the bo with this id.
delete(T) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.BusinessObjectProvider
delete(NuclosUser) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.UserProvider
This method allows to delete a specific user account.
delete(DeleteContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.DeleteRule
DeleteContext is the context providing all deleting - relevant attributes and methods.
delete(T) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.BusinessObjectService
delete(NuclosUser) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.UserService
This method allows to delete a specific user account.
deleteAll(Collection<T>) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.BusinessObjectProvider
This method deletes all BusinessObjects of then given collection from the database.
deleteAll(Collection<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.BusinessObjectService
deleteAttachment(NuclosFile) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.thin.Stateful
Deletes the given file if attached to this businessobject
DeleteContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
DeleteContext represents the context used in Deletion-Rule
deleteFinal(DeleteContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.DeleteFinalRule
DeleteContext is the context providing all deleting - relevant attributes and methods.
DeleteFinalRule - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
DeleteRule is the interface that should be used to make an rule applicable for Afterwards-Deletion-Events.
deleteLogical(T) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.BusinessObjectProvider
This method deletes all BusinessObjects logical without removing data from the database.
deleteLogical(T) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.BusinessObjectService
deleteLogicalAll(Collection<T>) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.BusinessObjectProvider
This method deletes all BusinessObjects logical without removing data from the database.
deleteLogicalAll(Collection<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.BusinessObjectService
DeleteRule - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
DeleteRule is the interface that should be used to make an rule applicable for Deletion-Events.
Dependent<T> - Class in org.nuclos.api.businessobject
This class represents a dependent relation in BusinessObject
Dependent(String, String, String, String, String, String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Dependent
DesktopItem - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui
DesktopItemFactory - Class in org.nuclos.api.ui
DesktopItemFactory() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.ui.DesktopItemFactory
destroy() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.SpringInputContext
Direction<PK> - Interface in org.nuclos.api
TODO: Javadoc TODO: Move this class to org.nuclos.api.command (see NUCLOS-5221)
Direction.AdditionalNavigation - Enum in org.nuclos.api
disableBusinessObjectMetaUpdate() - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.transaction.CurrentTransaction
This method disables update of fields CHANGEDBY, CHANGEDAT and VERSION by the system and enables the use of setCreatedBy and setChangedBy in rules
disableBusinessObjectMetaUpdatesForCurrentTransactionOnly() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.TransactionService
disableRuleExecution() - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.transaction.CurrentTransaction
This method disables execution of any rules for the current transaction
disableRuleExecutionsForCurrentTransactionOnly() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.TransactionService
DropContext<PK> - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd
DropContext drop context information
DropHandler<PK> - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd
DropHandler handle custom drop actions
DropHandlerProvider<PK> - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd
DropHandlerProvider provider for custom drop handler
DropTarget - Enum in org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd
DropTarget potential drop areas in nuclos


eq(T) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute.Attribute
This method enables the user to compare an attribute with a given value on being equal
equals(Object) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult
equals(Object) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.Property
equals(Object) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl
evaluate() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.InputDelegate
Validate and collect data from input components.
evaluate() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.InputContextSupport
execute(S, Class<? extends Generation<S, T>>) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.GenerationProvider
Using the source object this method runs the given generation and returns the new created target object.
execute(List<S>, Class<? extends Generation<S, T>>) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.GenerationProvider
Using the source objects this method runs the given generation and returns the new created target objects.
execute(Query<T>, Attribute<?>...) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.QueryProvider
This methods executes a Query and returns a list of found BusinessObject of the type determined by the Query type.
execute(JobContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.JobRule
JobContext is the context providing all attributes and methods that are relevant for Job-operations.
execute(S, Class<? extends Generation<S, T>>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.GenerationService
execute(List<S>, Class<? extends Generation<S, T>>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.GenerationService
executeQuery(Query<T>, Attribute<?>...) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.QueryService
executeQuerySingleResult(Query<T>, Attribute<?>...) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.QueryService
executeRequest(RequestContext<?>) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.CommunicationProvider
executeRequest(RequestContext<?>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.CommunicationService
executeSingleResult(Query<T>, Attribute<?>...) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.QueryProvider
This methods executes a Query and returns a single result BusinessObject of the type determined by the Query type.
exist(Query<P>, ForeignKeyAttribute) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Query
Combining the query with a subquery.
exist(Query<P>, ForeignKeyAttribute, ForeignKeyAttribute) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Query
Combining the query with a subquery.
expire(NuclosUser, Date) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.UserProvider
This method allows to define a date on which to expire a specific user account.
expire(NuclosUser, Date) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.UserService
This method allows to define a date on which to expire a specific user account.


FileProvider - Class in org.nuclos.api.provider
FileProvider consists various methods for file-operation
FileProvider() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.provider.FileProvider
FileService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
fireChangesArePending() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.TabController
Inform the tab that the SAVE button should be enabled (because the LayoutComponent has something to save, e.g.
Flag - Enum in org.nuclos.api.businessobject
This class represents the flag of a BusinessObject.
Flavor - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd
Flavor data flavor
ForeignKeyAttribute<T> - Class in org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute
ForeignKeyAttribute is used if the attribute references to an other entity.
ForeignKeyAttribute(String, String, String, String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute.ForeignKeyAttribute
Function - Annotation Type in org.nuclos.api.annotation


generate(GenerateContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.GenerateRule
GenerateContext is the context providing all generation - relevant attributes and methods like TargetObjects, SourceObjects and ParameterObjects
GenerateContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
GenerateContext represents the context used in Generation-Rule
generateFinal(GenerateContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.GenerateFinalRule
GenerateContext is the context providing all generation - relevant attributes and methods like TargetObjects, SourceObjects and ParameterObjects
GenerateFinalRule - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
GenerateRule is the interface that should be used to make an rule applicable for Afterward-Generation-Events.
GenerateRule - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
GenerateRule is the interface that should be used to make an rule applicable for Generation-Events.
Generation<S extends BusinessObject,T extends BusinessObject> - Interface in org.nuclos.api.generation
Generation is the main interface of all Nuclos generations.
GenerationProvider - Class in org.nuclos.api.provider
GenerationProvider provides methods for executing nuclos generations
GenerationProvider() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.provider.GenerationProvider
GenerationService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
GenericBusinessObject<PK> - Interface in org.nuclos.api.businessobject
GenericBusinessObject defines similarities between multiple BOs.
GenericContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context.communication
GenericNotificationContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context.communication
GenericRequestContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context.communication
GenericResponse - Interface in org.nuclos.api.communication.response
get(PK) - Static method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.BusinessObject
Returns the bo by id.
get(String) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputContext
Get value of requested variable
get(String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.SpringInputContext
Get value of requested variable
getAccount() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUserCommunicationAccount
getAction() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.MenuItem
getActivationCode() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
getAdditionalNavigation() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Direction
Returns navigation options where not based on entity
getAll(SearchExpression, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.DatasourceRule
getAllIds(SearchExpression, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.DatasourceRule
getAllModifiableBusinessObjectClassNames() - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.BusinessObjectProvider
This method returns a set containing the names of all modifiable business object classes.
getAllModifiableBusinessObjectClassNames() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.BusinessObjectService
getAllObjectIds() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.MultiContext
getAttachments() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.thin.Stateful
Returns all generic documents attached to this businessobject
getAttachments() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
returns a collection of all attached NuclosFiles
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult
getAttributeUid() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute.Attribute
for internal use only
getAuthenticationResult() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.RefreshAuthenticationContext
Returns the initial AuthenticationResult from the authentication process.
getBusinessObject() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.GenericBusinessObject
getBusinessObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallRequestContext
getBusinessObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.CustomContext
This method returns the BusinessObject containing the entry-data.
getBusinessObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.DeleteContext
This method returns the BusinessObject containing the entry-data that has to be deleted.
getBusinessObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.InsertContext
This method returns the BusinessObject containing the entry-data that has to be saved.
getBusinessObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.PrintContext
returns BusinessObject is not persisted automatically
getBusinessObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.PrintFinalContext
returns BusinessObject is not persisted automatically
getBusinessObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.StateChangeContext
This method returns the BusinessObject that State should be changed
getBusinessObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.UpdateContext
This method returns the BusinessObject containing the entry-data that has been changed during runtime.
getBusinessObjectId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.printout.Printout
returns the id of the business object
getBusinessObjectId() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl
getById(Class<T>, PK, Attribute<?>...) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.QueryProvider
getById(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.DatasourceRule
getById(Class<T>, PK, Attribute<?>...) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.QueryService
getByIds(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.DatasourceRule
getByProcess(Process<T>, Process<T>...) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.QueryProvider
This method returns all BusinessObjects that contain one of the given processes;
A Process is always assigned to one entity, so the type of the BusinessObject does not have to be mentioned explicitly;
There must be at least one process
getByProcess(Process<T>, Process<T>...) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.QueryService
getByState(Class<T>, State, State...) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.QueryProvider
This method returns all BusinessObjects that contain one of the given states;
A State is always assigned to one statemodel, that can be used by several entities.
getByState(Class<T>, State, State...) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.QueryService
getCharset() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMailContentType
Method returns the charset, e.g UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1
getChildSearchExpression() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
Get all SearchExpressions that are added to the given SearchExpression
getClientProperty(String, String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.ClientPropertyService
getColumns() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.datasource.DatasourceResult
This method returns a list of all columns the datasource-query contains.
getCommunicationAccountPhoneId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
getCommunicationPortId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUserCommunicationAccount
getComponent() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.DesktopItem
getComponent(LayoutComponent.LayoutComponentType) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponent
getComponentProperties() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponent
getComponentPropertyLabels() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponent
getConstantName() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute.Attribute
for internal use only
getConstantName() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Dependent
for internal use only
getContent() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosFile
returns the content of the file
getContent() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.NuclosImage
Returns the content of the image
getContentMap() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.communication.response.GenericResponse
getContentMap() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.GenericContext
getContext() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponent
getContextCacheValue(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.RuleContext
This method returns the cached object that can be found for the given key
getCopies() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.print.PrintProperties
get quantity of printed pages
getCustom1() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUserCommunicationAccount
getCustom2() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUserCommunicationAccount
getCustom3() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUserCommunicationAccount
getData() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputDelegateSpecification
Getter for context data to be passed to delegate instance.
getData(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.DatasourceRule
getData() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd.DropContext
getData data transfered by the DnD action
getDataLanguage() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult
getDataLocale() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.User
getDataLocales() - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.DataLocaleProvider
This method returns all active NuclosLocale.
getDataLocales() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.DataLocaleService
getDefaulAlignment() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentFactory
is used by layout editor
getDefaultAlignment() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.DefaultAlignment
getDefaultOption() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
Get default option (of available options, only applicable for INPUT_OPTION)
getDefaultPropertyValue(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentFactory
is used by layout editor
getDelegateClass() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputDelegateSpecification
Getter for delegate class name.
getDescription() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.statemodel.State
This method returns the description of the current state object
getDropHandler(DropTarget) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd.DropHandlerProvider
getDropHandler drop handler for specific DropTarget
getDropTarget() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd.InstallContext
getDropTarget drop target
getEmail() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
getEmail() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.User
getEntity() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.BusinessObject
Returns the name of the entity the BusinesObject bases on
getEntity() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.GenericBusinessObject
Returns the name of the entity this GenericBusinessObject bases on
getEntity() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Direction
Returns the name of the entity the BusinesObject bases on
getEntityId() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Process
Returns the Id of the entity
getEntityId() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl
getEntityName() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Dependent
for internal use only
getEntityUid() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute.Attribute
for internal use only
getEntityUid() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.BusinessObject
Returns the UID of the entity the BusinesObject bases on
getEntityUid() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Dependent
for internal use only
getEntityUid() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.GenericBusinessObject
Returns the UID of the entity this GenericBusinessObject bases on
getEntityUid() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.LayoutComponentContext
This method supplies the name of the underlying entity
getEntityUid() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Direction
Returns the UID of the entity the BusinesObject bases on
getEntityUid() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd.InstallContext
getEntityName entity name
getEntityUid() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.ResultToolbarItemFactory
Returns the UID of the business object for the result list the button is shown in.
getExpirationDate() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
getExpirationDate() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.User
getExpression() - Method in exception org.nuclos.api.exception.InvalidExpressionException
getExpressionOperator() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
returns the Operator used for comparison
getFilename() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.CustomRestUploadContext
file name of uploaded file
getFirstname() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
getFirstname() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.User
getForCollectiveProcessing(ForeignKeyAttribute<PK>, Collection<PK>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.CollectiveProcessingProxy
getForeignAttributeName() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Dependent
for internal use only
getForeignAttributeUid() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Dependent
for internal use only
getFrom() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
returns the name of the sender
getFromNumber() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallNotificationContext
(could be null)
getFromUserId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallNotificationContext
(could be null)
getGenericBusinessObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.CustomContext
This method returns the GenericBusinessObject containing the entry-data to edit during runtime.
getGenericBusinessObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.DeleteContext
This method returns the GenericBusinessObject containing the entry-data that has to be deleted.
getGenericBusinessObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.InsertContext
This method returns the GenericBusinessObject containing the entry-data that has to be saved.
getGenericBusinessObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.PrintContext
returns GenericBusinessObject is not persisted automatically
getGenericBusinessObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.PrintFinalContext
returns GenericBusinessObject is not persisted automatically
getGenericBusinessObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.StateChangeContext
This method returns the GenericBusinessObject that State should be changed
getGenericBusinessObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.UpdateContext
This method returns the GenericBusinessObject containing the entry-data that has been changed during runtime.
getHeader(String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.CustomRestResponse
getHeaders() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.CustomRestResponse
getHeaders() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
returns a map with all header information
getHorizontal() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.ui.Alignment
getHttpHeaders() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.AuthenticationContext
Returns an injectable interface that provides access to HTTP header information.
getHttpHeaders() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.RefreshAuthenticationContext
Returns an injectable interface that provides access to HTTP header information.
getIcon() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentFactory
getIcon() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.ResultToolbarItemFactory
Returns the button's icon which is placed left of the label.
getIcon() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.UserSettingsEditor
getId() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult
Only a internal id for equals and hashCode.
getId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.BusinessObject
Returns the primary key of this object
getId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.GenericBusinessObject
Returns the primary key of this object
getId() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Process
Returns the Id of the process
getId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosMandator
getId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosRole
getId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
getId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.communication.CommunicationPort
getId() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.communication.CommunicationPortKey
This method returns the id of the communication port
getId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallNotificationContext
getId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Direction
Returns the primary key of this object
getId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.generation.Generation
getId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.objectimport.ImportStructureDefinition
Id of the definition
getId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.objectimport.XmlImportStructureDefinition
Id of the definition
getId() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.parameter.NucletParameter
This method returns the id of the current nuclet parameter
getId() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.parameter.SystemParameter
This method returns the id of the current system parameter
getId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.printout.Printout
returns the id of the printout object
getId() - Method in interface
returns the id of the current format
getId() - Method in interface
returns the id of the current report object
getId() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.statemodel.State
This method returns the Id of the current state object
getId() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.ui.DesktopItemFactory
getId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.ResultToolbarItemFactory
Returns the id
getId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.User
getInlineAttachments() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
Returns a collection of all attached NuclosFiles representing inline attachments (e.g.
getInputDelegateSpecification() - Method in exception org.nuclos.api.context.InputRequiredException
getInputSpecification() - Method in exception org.nuclos.api.context.InputRequiredException
getInputStream() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.CustomRestUploadContext
stream of data sent by upload
getInstance() - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputContext
getInstance() - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.context.SpringInputContext
getInt() - Method in enum org.nuclos.api.ui.AlignmentH
getInt() - Method in enum org.nuclos.api.ui.AlignmentV
getKey() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
Get the variable key/name.
getLabel() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.ui.DesktopItemFactory
getLabel() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.MenuItem
getLabel() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.ResultToolbarItemFactory
Returns the button's label.
getLanguage() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.RuleContext
Returns the Locale of current user
getLastLogin() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
getLastname() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
getLastname() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.User
getLastPasswordChange() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
getLayoutComponentListeners() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponent
get the listeners for layout components
getLifetime() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult
The default lifetime is AuthenticationResult.UNSET, which means that the system is handling the session lifetime only and a refresh is never called.
getLifetimeUnit() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult
getLocale() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult
getLocked() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
getLogFile() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.objectimport.ImportResult
This method returns the log file that has been created during import process
getLoginAttempts() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
getLoginWithEmailAllowed() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
getMailCharset() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
returns the mail charset, e.g.
getMailToAction(String, String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.MailToEventHandler
getMailType() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
returns the mail type, e.g.
getMandator() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.JobContext
Returns the mandator of this job
getMandatorId() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult
getMenuPath() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.MenuItem
getMessage() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
Get the dialog message.
getMessage(Throwable) - Static method in exception org.nuclos.api.exception.BusinessException
This method returns the message that is used in the parameter cause of type Throwable
getMessage() - Method in exception org.nuclos.api.exception.PointerException
This method returns the message text of the exception
getMessage() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
returns the message text of the email
getMessage() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Message
getMessage() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Progress
getMessages() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.objectimport.ImportResult
This method returns all messages of the import process as a String.
getMimeType() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd.Flavor
getMimeType mimetype for flavor
getModelId() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.statemodel.State
This method returns the id of the statemodel the current state object belongs to
getName() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosFile
returns the filename
getName() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosMandator
getName() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.datasource.DatasourceColumn
Returns the name of the column
getName() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.NuclosImage
Returns the filename of the image
getName() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.Property
getName() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.statemodel.State
This method returns the name of the current state object
getName() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponent
getName() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentFactory
getName() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.UserSettingsEditor
getName() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.User
getNucletParameter(NucletParameter) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.ParameterProvider
This method returns the value of the given NucletParameter as String
getNucletParameter(NucletParameter) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.ParameterService
getNuclosLogicalDeleted() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.LogicalDeletable
returns true if business object is marked as logically deleted
getNuclosState() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.Stateful
Returns the default name of the current state
getNuclosStateId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.thin.Stateful
Returns the id of the current status
getNuclosStateNumber() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.Stateful
Returns the number of the current state
getNuclosUserAccount() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallRequestContext
getNumeral() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.statemodel.State
This method returns the state numeral of the current state object
getObjectId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.SingleContext
getOperator() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpressionPair
getOptions() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
Get available input options, only applicable for INPUT_OPTION.
getOrder() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.ResultToolbarItemFactory
Returns an integer which is used to determine the order of the buttons in the result list toolbar.
getOutput() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.PrintResult
returns printed result as NuclosFile
getOutputFormat() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.PrintResult
returns executed OutputFormat
getOutputFormats() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.printout.Printout
returns assigned OutputFormat
getPackageName() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute.Attribute
for internal use only
getPackageName() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Dependent
for internal use only
getParameterGenericObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.GenerateContext
This method returns a GenericBusinessObject that represent the Parameter
getParameterObject() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.GenerateContext
This method returns the ParameterObject
getParentOperator() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
getParentSearchExpression() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
getPassword() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUserCommunicationAccount
getPasswordChanged() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.User
getPasswordChangeRequired() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
getPasswordResetCode() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
getPercent() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Progress
getPort() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.CommunicationContext
getPortId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.communication.CommunicationPortFactory.InstanceContext
Nuclos generates Ids for all communication ports.
getPreference(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Preferences
getPreference(String, Class<S>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Preferences
getPreference(String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.PreferencesImpl
getPreference(String, Class<S>) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.PreferencesImpl
getPreferenceNames() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Preferences
getPreferenceNames() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.PreferencesImpl
getPrintoutList() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.PrintContext
returns PrintoutList for the BusinessObject in the execution context
getPrintResults() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.PrintFinalContext
returns collection of PrintResult
getPrintServiceId() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.print.PrintProperties
get print service is used for printouts
getPrivacyConsentAccepted() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
getProcessId() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl
getProperties() - Method in interface
returns PrintProperties details of the print process
getReceivedDate() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
Gets the date this mail was received by the server.
getRecipients() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
returns a list of all recipients
getRecipientsBCC() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
returns a list of all recipientsBCC
getRecipientsCC() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
returns a list of all recipientsCC
getRemoteAddr() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.AuthenticationContext
Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the client or last proxy that sent the request.
getRemoteAddr() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.RefreshAuthenticationContext
Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the client or last proxy that sent the request.
getRemoteHost() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.AuthenticationContext
Returns the fully qualified name of the client or the last proxy that sent the request.
getRemoteHost() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.RefreshAuthenticationContext
Returns the fully qualified name of the client or the last proxy that sent the request.
getRemoteUser() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.AuthenticationContext
Returns the login of the user making this request, if the user has been authenticated, or null if the user has not been authenticated.
getRemoteUser() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.RefreshAuthenticationContext
Returns the login of the user making this request, if the user has been authenticated, or null if the user has not been authenticated.
getReplyTo() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
returns the reply address of the email
getRepresentationClass() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd.Flavor
getRepresentationClass class for flavor
getRequestData() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.CustomRestContext
getRequestParameter(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.CustomRestContext
getResponse() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.RequestContext
if no response is present clearResponse is called automatically
getResponseValue() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.CustomRestResponse
getRows() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.datasource.DatasourceResult
This method returns all results of a datasource query.
getSearchCondition() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.ResultToolbarItemContext
Returns the search condition of the current result list
getSearchExpression() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpressionPair
getSearchFilterId() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl
getSearchFilterUid() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Direction
Return the UID of the searchfilter which will be applied to the result list of the BusinessObject one is navigating to
getSelectedResultItems() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.ResultToolbarItemContext
Returns the selection of the result list
getSentDate() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
Gets the date this mail was sent.
getServerProperty(String, String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.ServerPropertyService
getServerUri() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult
Clients can reach the application server via this base URI.
getServiceNumber() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallNotificationContext
(could be null)
getSessionId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.AuthenticationContext
Returns a string containing the unique identifier assigned to this session.
getSessionId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.JobContext
This methods return the SessionId that has been set by the user
getSessionId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.RefreshAuthenticationContext
Returns a string containing the unique identifier assigned to this session.
getSetting(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Settings
getSetting(String, Class<S>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Settings
getSetting(String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.SettingsImpl
getSetting(String, Class<S>) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.SettingsImpl
getSettingNames() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Settings
getSettingNames() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.SettingsImpl
getSettings() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.UserSettingsEditor
called on save
getSettingsComponent(Settings) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.UserSettingsEditor
getSettingsKey() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.UserSettingsEditor
getSource() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
returns the Source
getSourceGenericObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.GenerateContext
This method returns the GenericBusinessObject that represents the source; if there is more than one SourceObject a BusinessException will be thrown; In this case use getSourceObjects(Class<T> t) instead
getSourceGenericObjects(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.GenerateContext
This method returns a list of GenericBusinessObjects that represent the Sources
getSourceModule() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.generation.Generation
getSourceObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.GenerateContext
This method returns a BusinessObject that represents the source; if there is more than one SourceObject a BusinessException will be thrown; In this case use getSourceObjects(Class<T> t) instead
getSourceObjects(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.GenerateContext
This method returns a list of BusinessObject that represent the Sources
getSourceState() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.StateChangeContext
This method returns the state that has to be changed
getSourceStateId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.StateChangeContext
getSourceStateNumber() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.StateChangeContext
getState() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.communication.response.PhoneCallResponse
getState() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallNotificationContext
getStub(Class<T>, WebServiceObject) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.WebServiceProvider
This method creates a new instance of the given stub class and provides it with all settings (e.g.
getStub(Class<T>, WebServiceObject) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.WebService
This method creates a new instance of the given stub class and provides it with all settings (e.g.
getSubject() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
returns the subject of the email
getSuperuser() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
getSupportedTypes() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponent
getSystemParameter(SystemParameter) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.ParameterProvider
This method returns the value of the given SystemParameter as String
getSystemParameter(SystemParameter) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.ParameterService
getSystemParameterValues() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.communication.CommunicationPortFactory.InstanceContext
Your interface defines the needed system parameters.
getTarget() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
returns the Target
getTargetGenericObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.GenerateContext
This method returns a GenericBusinessObject that represent the Target
getTargetModule() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.generation.Generation
getTargetObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.GenerateContext
This method returns a BusinessObject that represent the Target
getTargetObjectId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd.DropContext
getTargetObjectId id of drop target
getTargetState() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.StateChangeContext
This method returns the state the user wants to change to
getTargetStateId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.StateChangeContext
getTargetStateNumber() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.StateChangeContext
getTaskListId() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl
getTitle() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
Get the dialog title.
getTitle() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Message
getToNumber() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallNotificationContext
getToNumber() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallRequestContext
getTooltip() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.ResultToolbarItemFactory
Returns the button's tooltip.
getToUserId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallNotificationContext
(could be null)
getTransactionalObject() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.JobContext
This methods returns the transactional object.
getTransactionalObjects(JobContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.TransactionalJobRule
For every list entry returned by this method a new transaction will be opened.
getTrayId() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.print.PrintProperties
get tray of the print service
getType() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute.Attribute
for internal use only
getType() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Dependent
for internal use only
getType() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Process
Returns the class-type of the BusinessObject the process belongs to
getType() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
Get input type.
getType() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.LayoutComponentContext
This method supplies the LayoutComponent.LayoutComponentType
getType() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.datasource.DatasourceColumn
Returns the type of the column as class
getType() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMailContentType
Method returns the mail type, e.g text/plain or text/html
getType() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.Property
getUID() - Method in interface
Returns the UID of the Nuclos-WebService.
getUpdateAfterExecution() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.CustomContext
This method returns true if the BusinessObject of the context is updated after rule execution.
getUriInfo() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.AuthenticationContext
Returns an injectable interface that provides access to application and request URI information.
getUriInfo() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.RefreshAuthenticationContext
Returns an injectable interface that provides access to application and request URI information.
getUrl() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Direction
Returns URL to navigate to
getUser() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.RuleContext
Returns the current user
getUserId() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult
Either username or user id must be specified.
getUserId() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUserCommunicationAccount
getUsername() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult
Either username or user id must be specified.
getUsername() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
getUsername() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.ScriptContext
getUserSettings(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.UserSettingsService
getValue() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
returns the Value
getVersion() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.BusinessObject
Returns the current version of this object
getVersion() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.GenericBusinessObject
Returns the current version of this object
getVertical() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.ui.Alignment
grantMandator(NuclosMandator, NuclosUser) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.UserProvider
This method assigns a mandator to a given user.
grantMandator(NuclosMandator, NuclosUser) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.UserService
This method assigns a mandator to a given user.
grantRole(Class<? extends NuclosRole>, NuclosUser) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.UserProvider
This method assigns a role to a given user.
grantRole(NuclosRole, NuclosUser) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.UserProvider
This method assigns a role to a given user.
grantRole(Class<? extends NuclosRole>, NuclosUser) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.UserService
This method assigns a role to a given user.
grantRole(NuclosRole, NuclosUser) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.UserService
This method assigns a role to a given user.
Gt(T) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute.NumericAttribute
GreaterThan - comparison operation
Gte(T) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute.NumericAttribute
GreaterThanEqual - comparison operation


h - Variable in class org.nuclos.api.ui.Alignment
handle(DropContext<PK>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd.DropHandler
handle handle drop event
handleNotification(NotificationContext) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.CommunicationProvider
handleNotification(NotificationContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.CommunicationService
handleRequest(C) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.communication.CommunicationPort
Nuclos calls this method only for the types your interface supports.
handleResponse(RequestContext<?>) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.CommunicationProvider
handleResponse(RequestContext<?>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.CommunicationService
hasChildSearchExpression() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
Returns true if there are any SearchExpressions added to this SearchExpression instance
hasErrors() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.objectimport.ImportResult
This method returns a boolean signifying whether the import process was successful or not.
hashCode() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult
hashCode() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.Property
hashCode() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl
HTML - Static variable in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail


Id - Static variable in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUserCommunicationAccount
Attribute: primaryKey

Entity: nuclos_userCommunicationAccount
Data type: org.nuclos.api.UID
Localized: false
Output format: null
Scale: null
Precision: null
IDCOLUMN - Static variable in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.DatasourceRule
ImportProvider - Class in org.nuclos.api.provider
ImportProvider provides methods to import data into Nuclos
ImportProvider() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.provider.ImportProvider
ImportResult - Class in org.nuclos.api.objectimport
This class represents the return value of an import process.
ImportResult(boolean, String, NuclosFile) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.objectimport.ImportResult
ImportService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
ImportStructureDefinition - Interface in org.nuclos.api.objectimport
This class represents a structure definition that is use in rule programming to manually import data into Nuclos
initialize(Map<String, Serializable>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.InputDelegate
Initialize the input delegate view with optional context data from server.
INPUT_MEMO - Static variable in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
Input type to show string memo input dialog (with text area and possibility to enter a line break)
INPUT_OPTION - Static variable in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
Input type to show a select option dialog.
INPUT_VALUE - Static variable in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
Input type to show string input dialog.
InputContext - Class in org.nuclos.api.context
InputContext adds support for requesting input from the user.
InputContextSupport - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui
InputDelegate - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
Interface for creating input delegate views.
InputDelegateDataMap() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.context.InputDelegateSpecification.InputDelegateDataMap
for deserialization only
InputDelegateDataMap(Map<String, Serializable>) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.context.InputDelegateSpecification.InputDelegateDataMap
InputDelegateSpecification - Class in org.nuclos.api.context
Specification of a client-side delegate class to produce a customized input panel.
InputDelegateSpecification() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.context.InputDelegateSpecification
for deserialization only
InputDelegateSpecification(String) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.context.InputDelegateSpecification
Constructs a new InputDelegateSpecification.
InputDelegateSpecification.InputDelegateDataMap - Class in org.nuclos.api.context
InputRequiredException - Exception in org.nuclos.api.context
Exception to request additional input user.
InputRequiredException() - Constructor for exception org.nuclos.api.context.InputRequiredException
for deserialization only
InputRequiredException(InputSpecification) - Constructor for exception org.nuclos.api.context.InputRequiredException
InputRequiredException(InputDelegateSpecification) - Constructor for exception org.nuclos.api.context.InputRequiredException
InputSpecification - Class in org.nuclos.api.context
Specification of input dialog.
InputSpecification() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
for deserialization only
InputSpecification(int, String, String) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
Create a new InputSpecification
InputSpecification(int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
Create a new InputSpecification
InputValidationException - Exception in org.nuclos.api.context
Exception to be thrown by InputDelegate if user input is incomplete or
InputValidationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nuclos.api.context.InputValidationException
InputValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.nuclos.api.context.InputValidationException
insert(T) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.BusinessObjectProvider
insert(String) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.MandatorProvider
This method creates a Mandator and returns the id of the new object.
insert(String, NuclosMandator) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.MandatorProvider
This method creates a Mandator and returns the id of the new object.
insert(NuclosUser) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.UserProvider
This method creates a Nuclos User and returns the id of the new object.
A password will be generated and a default notification Email with the password will be send.
A new user does not have any roles and therefore does not have any rights in Nuclos.
insert(NuclosUser, String) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.UserProvider
This method creates a Nuclos User and returns the id of the new object.
Sends a default notification Email with the password.
A new user does not have any roles and therefore does not have any rights in Nuclos.
insert(NuclosUser, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.UserProvider
This method creates a Nuclos User and returns the id of the new object.
A new user does not have any roles and therefore does not have any rights in Nuclos.
insert(String, String, String, String, Boolean) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.UserProvider
insert(String, String, String, String, String, Boolean) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.UserProvider
insert(InsertContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.InsertRule
InsertContext is the context providing all insert - relevant attributes and methods.
insert(T) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.BusinessObjectService
insert(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.MandatorService
insert(String, NuclosMandator) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.MandatorService
insert(NuclosUser) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.UserService
This method creates a Nuclos User and returns the id of the new object.
A password will be generated and a default notification Email with the password will be send.
A new user does not have any roles and therefore does not have any rights in Nuclos.
insert(NuclosUser, String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.UserService
This method creates a Nuclos User and returns the id of the new object.
Sends a default notification Email with the password.
A new user does not have any roles and therefore does not have any rights in Nuclos.
insert(NuclosUser, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.UserService
This method creates a Nuclos User and returns the id of the new object.
A new user does not have any roles and therefore does not have any rights in Nuclos.
insert(String, String, String, String, Boolean) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.UserService
insert(String, String, String, String, String, Boolean) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.UserService
insertAll(Collection<T>) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.BusinessObjectProvider
This method receives a collection of new BusinessObjects and stores them in the database.
insertAll(Collection<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.BusinessObjectService
insertAttachment(NuclosFile, String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.thin.Stateful
Inserts the given file as generic document with the given comment
InsertContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
InsertContext represents the context used in Insert-Rule, Insert and InsertFinal
insertFinal(InsertContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.InsertFinalRule
InsertContext is the context providing all insert - relevant attributes and methods.
InsertFinalRule - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
InsertFinalRule is the interface that should be used to make an rule applicable for Afterwards-Insert-Events.
InsertRule - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
InsertRule is the interface that should be used to make an rule applicable for Insert-Events.
install(InstallContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd.DropHandler
install evaluate if the handler may accept drops
InstallContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd
InstallContext context information for @link{DropHandler} installation
InstantiableContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context.communication
InvalidExpressionException - Exception in org.nuclos.api.exception
InvalidExpressionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.nuclos.api.exception.InvalidExpressionException
isAllowed(DropContext<PK>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd.DropHandler
isAllowed check if drop is allowed
isAllowed(Set<UID>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.ResultToolbarItemFactory
Returns true if the user is allowed to use this button based on actions in T_AD_ACTION granted to him/her.
isCollectiveProcessing() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.UpdateContext
Returns true if update is called from a collective process ("Sammelbearbeitung").
isDelete() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.BusinessObject
Object is removed?
isDelete() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.GenericBusinessObject
Object is removed?
isDuplex() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.print.PrintProperties
get is duplex mode enabled
isEnabled() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.MenuItem
isEnabled(Collection<Object>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.ResultToolbarItem
Returns true if button is usable based on the currently selected rows in result list.
isIn(SaveFlag...) - Method in enum org.nuclos.api.context.SaveFlag
isInsert() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.BusinessObject
Is this object a new one?
isInsert() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.GenericBusinessObject
Is this object a new one?
isLastTransactionalObject() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.JobContext
This methods returns true when the last transactional object will be returned by getTransactionalObject.
isLocked() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.User
isLogical() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.DeleteContext
This method returns wether the deletion is logical or physical
isLoginRequired() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult
isMandatorGranted(NuclosMandator, NuclosUser) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.UserProvider
This method checks if a mandator is granted to a given user.
isMandatorGranted(NuclosMandator, NuclosUser) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.UserService
This method checks if a mandator is granted to a given user.
isNewTab() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Direction
Returns is it to publish in new client tab / browser tab
isNull() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute.Attribute
This method enables the user to ensure that a value is null
isOverlay() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Message
isRemovable() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.DesktopItem
Determines if this DesktopItem is removable by the user.
isRequirePasswordChange() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.User
isResponse() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.RequestContext
internal use only
isSuperuser() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.User
isSupported() - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputContext
Is the creator of the request able to provide additional input?
isSupported() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.SpringInputContext
Is the creator of the request able to provide additional input?
isUpdate() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.BusinessObject
Object is modified?
isUpdate() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.GenericBusinessObject
Object is modified?
isVisible() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.Visibility
Is visible


JobContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
JobContext represents the context used in Job-Rule
joblog(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.JobContext
This method logs an info message into the Job-Message database and can be viewed via JobController in Nuclos by opending the corresponding Job
joblogError(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.JobContext
This method logs an error message into the Job-Message database and can be viewed via JobController in Nuclos by opending the corresponding Job
joblogWarn(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.JobContext
This method logs a warning message into the Job-Message database and can be viewed via JobController in Nuclos by opending the corresponding Job
JobRule - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
JobRule is the interface that should be used to make an rule applicable for Job-Events.


LayoutComponent<PK> - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui.layout
LayoutComponent.LayoutComponentType - Enum in org.nuclos.api.ui.layout
layout component type
LayoutComponentAdapter<PK> - Class in org.nuclos.api.ui.layout
Layout Component Adapter
LayoutComponentAdapter() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentAdapter
LayoutComponentContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
LayoutComponentContext represents the base context that carries environmental informations for layout components
LayoutComponentFactory<PK> - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui.layout
LayoutComponentListener<PK> - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui.layout
Layout Component Listener listener for events thrown by the user interface
like(T) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute.StringAttribute
Like - comparison operation
lock() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.Lockable
Lock this business object by setting the current user as owner.
lock(UID) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.Lockable
Lock this business object by setting the given owner.
Lockable<PK> - Interface in org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade
Lockable is the interface a BusinessObject must implement to be used for locking.
log(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.LogContext
This method uses log4j to log an info message into the log-files of the server
LogContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
LogContext represents a context with basic logging functionality.
logError(String, Exception) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.LogContext
This method uses log4j to log an error into the log-files of the server.
LogicalDeletable<PK> - Interface in org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade
LogicalDeletable is the interface a BusinessObject must implement to be deleted logically via org.nuclos.api.provider.BusinessObjectProvider .
logWarn(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.LogContext
This method uses log4j to log a warning message into the log-files of the server
Lt(T) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute.NumericAttribute
LowerThan - comparison operation
Lte(T) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute.NumericAttribute
LowerThanEqual - comparison operation


MailProvider - Class in org.nuclos.api.provider
This class is used in rule programming and provides methods for sending and receiving E-mails.
MailProvider() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.provider.MailProvider
MailService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
MailToEventHandler - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui
MandatorProvider - Class in org.nuclos.api.provider
The MandatorProvider provides several methods to create mandators and manipulate mandator role data
MandatorProvider() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.provider.MandatorProvider
MandatorService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
The MandatorService provides several methods to create Mandators
MenuItem - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui
message - Variable in exception org.nuclos.api.exception.PointerException
Message - Interface in org.nuclos.api
TODO: Javadoc TODO: Move this class to org.nuclos.api.command (see NUCLOS-5221)
MessageContext - Class in org.nuclos.api.context
MessageContext adds support for sending commands to the client.
MessageContext() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.context.MessageContext
MessageContextService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
TODO: This does not only send simple messages but also other client commands and should therefore be renamed.
methodMissing(String, Object) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.ScriptContext
Modifiable<PK> - Interface in org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade
Modifiable is the interface a BusinessObject must implement to be used in modifying rules, UpdateRule, InsertRule, UpdateFinalRule, InsertFinalRule
MultiContext<PK> - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
multiDeleteAfter(MultiContext<PK>) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentAdapter
multiDeleteAfter(MultiContext<PK>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentListener
delete entered by multiple objects (after)
multiDeleteBefore(MultiContext<PK>) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentAdapter
multiDeleteBefore(MultiContext<PK>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentListener
delete entered by multiple objects (before)
multiViewEntered(MultiContext<PK>) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentAdapter
multiViewEntered(MultiContext<PK>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentListener
view entered by multiple objects


name - Variable in class org.nuclos.api.Property
navigate(BusinessObject<?>) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.context.MessageContext
navigate(BusinessObject<?>, boolean) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.context.MessageContext
navigate(BusinessObject<?>, UID) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.context.MessageContext
navigate(BusinessObject<?>, UID, boolean) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.context.MessageContext
navigate(Direction.AdditionalNavigation) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.context.MessageContext
navigate(Direction.AdditionalNavigation, boolean) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.context.MessageContext
navigate(URL) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.context.MessageContext
navigate(URL, boolean) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.context.MessageContext
navigate(Direction) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.MessageContextService
neq(T) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute.Attribute
This method enables the user to compare an attribute with a given value on being unequal
NewContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui.layout
New Context
newContextInstance(CommunicationPortKey, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.CommunicationProvider
For use in rules.
newContextInstance(CommunicationPort, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.CommunicationProvider
For internal use in ports.
newContextInstance(CommunicationPortKey, Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.CommunicationService
For use in rules.
newContextInstance(CommunicationPort, Class<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.CommunicationService
For internal use in ports.
newEntered(NewContext) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentAdapter
newEntered(NewContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentListener
new entered
newFile(String, byte[]) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.BusinessObjectProvider
This method creates a new NuclosFile using the given content
newFile(String, byte[]) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.FileProvider
Returns a new NuclosFile with the given filename and content.
newFile(File) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.FileProvider
Opens and reads the data from the given file and returns a new NuclosFile with the same filename and content.
newFile(String) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.FileProvider
Opens and reads the data from the file the given filename points to and returns a new NuclosFile with the same filename and content.
newFile(String, byte[]) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.BusinessObjectService
newFile(String, byte[]) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.FileService
newFile(File) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.FileService
newFile(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.FileService
newImage(String, byte[]) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.BusinessObjectProvider
This method creates a new NuclosImage using the given content; a thumbnail will be created automatically
newImage(String, byte[]) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.BusinessObjectService
newInstance(CommunicationPortFactory.InstanceContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.communication.CommunicationPortFactory
newInstance() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.ui.DesktopItemFactory
newInstance(LayoutComponentContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentFactory
creates new instances
newInstance() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.ResultToolbarItemFactory
Resturns new button.
NO - Static variable in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
Variable value for no.
NotificationContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context.communication
notify(String, Priority) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.CustomContext
Creates a message with a Priority.
notify(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.CustomContext
Creates a message with normal Priority.
notify(String, Priority) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.DeleteContext
Creates a message with a Priority.
notify(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.DeleteContext
Creates a message with a Priority.
notify(String, Priority, BusinessObject) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.GenerateContext
Creates a message with a Priority.
notify(String, BusinessObject) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.GenerateContext
Creates a message with a Priority.
notify(String, Priority) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.InsertContext
Creates a message with a Priority.
notify(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.InsertContext
Creates a message with a Priority.
notify(String, Priority) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.StateChangeContext
Creates a message with a Priority.
notify(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.StateChangeContext
Creates a message with a Priority.
notify(String, Priority) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.UpdateContext
Creates a message with a Priority.
notify(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.UpdateContext
Creates a message with a Priority.
notNull() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute.Attribute
This method enables the user to ensure that a value is not null
NucletComponent - Annotation Type in org.nuclos.api.ui.annotation
NucletParameter - Class in org.nuclos.api.parameter
This class represents a nuclet parameter that has been created in Nuclos; It is usually not used by rule programmers directly, but it is part of a NucletParameters-Class (e.g.
NucletParameter(String) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.parameter.NucletParameter
Constructor to set a new instance of the NucletParameter class using the id of a parameter that has been created in Nuclos previously Internal use only
NuclosFile - Interface in org.nuclos.api.common
Class representing a file with its name and contents.
NuclosFileBase - Interface in org.nuclos.api.common
Marker interface for NuclosFile and NuclosFileLink
NuclosFileLink - Interface in org.nuclos.api.common
Class representing a file link with an UID.
NuclosGenerated - Annotation Type in org.nuclos.api.annotation
All classes generated by Nuclos get this annotation.
NuclosImage - Interface in org.nuclos.api
Class representing an image used in Nuclos
NuclosLocale - Enum in org.nuclos.api.locale
NuclosLocale contains all locales Nuclos works with.

Elements of this class are usually used in rule programming,
NuclosMail - Class in org.nuclos.api.mail
class representing an email-object org.nuclos.api.provider.MailProvider
NuclosMail() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
NuclosMail(String, String) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
NuclosMailContentType - Class in org.nuclos.api.mail
Class that represents the type of a NuclosMail.
NuclosMailContentType(String, String) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMailContentType
Constructor with charset and type values used as defaults
NuclosMandator - Interface in org.nuclos.api.common
NuclosRole - Interface in org.nuclos.api.common
NuclosUser - Interface in org.nuclos.api.common
NuclosUserCommunicationAccount - Interface in org.nuclos.api.common
NumericAttribute<T> - Class in org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute
NumericAttribute is used if the attribute type provides general numeric comparison operations
NumericAttribute(String, String, String, String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute.NumericAttribute


OK - Static variable in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
Variable value for ok.
operator - Variable in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
or(SearchExpression) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
This Constructor is used to join the current SearchExpression with a second SearchExpression using OR
orderBy(Attribute, Boolean) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Query
Use this method to set the Map of element that must be considered for ordering Attach for each field a Boolean.TRUE for ascending a boolean.FALSE for descending ordering
org.nuclos.api - package org.nuclos.api
org.nuclos.api.annotation - package org.nuclos.api.annotation
org.nuclos.api.authentication - package org.nuclos.api.authentication
org.nuclos.api.businessobject - package org.nuclos.api.businessobject
org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute - package org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute
org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade - package org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade
org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.thin - package org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.thin
org.nuclos.api.command - package org.nuclos.api.command
org.nuclos.api.common - package org.nuclos.api.common
org.nuclos.api.communication - package org.nuclos.api.communication
org.nuclos.api.communication.response - package org.nuclos.api.communication.response
org.nuclos.api.context - package org.nuclos.api.context
org.nuclos.api.context.communication - package org.nuclos.api.context.communication
org.nuclos.api.datasource - package org.nuclos.api.datasource
org.nuclos.api.exception - package org.nuclos.api.exception
org.nuclos.api.generation - package org.nuclos.api.generation
org.nuclos.api.locale - package org.nuclos.api.locale
org.nuclos.api.mail - package org.nuclos.api.mail
org.nuclos.api.notification - package org.nuclos.api.notification
org.nuclos.api.objectimport - package org.nuclos.api.objectimport
org.nuclos.api.parameter - package org.nuclos.api.parameter
org.nuclos.api.print - package org.nuclos.api.print
org.nuclos.api.printout - package org.nuclos.api.printout
org.nuclos.api.provider - package org.nuclos.api.provider
org.nuclos.api.remoting - package org.nuclos.api.remoting - package
org.nuclos.api.rule - package org.nuclos.api.rule
org.nuclos.api.service - package org.nuclos.api.service
org.nuclos.api.statemodel - package org.nuclos.api.statemodel
org.nuclos.api.transaction - package org.nuclos.api.transaction
org.nuclos.api.ui - package org.nuclos.api.ui
org.nuclos.api.ui.annotation - package org.nuclos.api.ui.annotation
org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd - package org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd
org.nuclos.api.ui.layout - package org.nuclos.api.ui.layout
org.nuclos.api.webclient - package org.nuclos.api.webclient - package
OutputFormat - Interface in
Interface used in rule programming to determine the format of Printout and Report objects


ParameterProvider - Class in org.nuclos.api.provider
ParameterProvider() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.provider.ParameterProvider
ParameterService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
parentOperator - Variable in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
parentSearchExpression - Variable in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
PhoneCallNotificationContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context.communication
PhoneCallNotificationContext.State - Enum in org.nuclos.api.context.communication
PhoneCallRequestContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context.communication
PhoneCallResponse - Interface in org.nuclos.api.communication.response
PhoneCallResponse.State - Enum in org.nuclos.api.communication.response
PLAIN - Static variable in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
PointerException - Exception in org.nuclos.api.exception
PointerException is an exception class used in rule programming.
PointerException() - Constructor for exception org.nuclos.api.exception.PointerException
for deserialization only
PointerException(String) - Constructor for exception org.nuclos.api.exception.PointerException
Constructor to intiate the new PointerException with an error message
Preferences - Interface in org.nuclos.api
PreferencesImpl - Class in org.nuclos.api
PreferencesImpl() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.PreferencesImpl
PrimaryKeyAttribute<T> - Class in org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute
PrimaryKeyAttribute is the id of an object
PrimaryKeyAttribute(String, String, String, String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute.PrimaryKeyAttribute
print(NuclosFile) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.FileProvider
This method sends a NuclosFile to the default printer
print(NuclosFile, String) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.FileProvider
This method sends a NuclosFile to the given printer
print(NuclosFile, PrintProperties) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.FileProvider
This method prints a NuclosFile with the given PrintProperties
print(PrintContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.PrintRule
PrintContext is the context providing all print - relevant attributes and methods.
print(NuclosFile) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.FileService
print(NuclosFile, String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.FileService
print(NuclosFile, PrintProperties) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.FileService
PrintContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
PrintContext represents the context used in PrintRule
printFinal(PrintFinalContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.PrintFinalRule
PrintContext is the context providing all print - relevant attributes and methods.
PrintFinalContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
PrintFinalContext represents the context used in PrintFinalRule
PrintFinalRule - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
PrintFinalRule is the interface that should be used to make an rule applicable for PrintFinal-Events.
Printout - Interface in org.nuclos.api.printout
Class representing a printout object used in rule programming
PrintoutList - Interface in org.nuclos.api.printout
printout list declares squence of Printouts
PrintoutProvider - Class in org.nuclos.api.provider
PrintoutProvider provides methods for executing printouts
PrintoutProvider() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.provider.PrintoutProvider
PrintoutService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
PrintProperties - Class in org.nuclos.api.print
class used in OutputFormat and FileProvider setup properties to control the printing process
PrintProperties() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.print.PrintProperties
PrintResult - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
PrintResult provides the results of printout process to the rule execution PrintFinalContext
PrintRule - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
PrintRule is the interface that should be used to make an rule applicable for Print-Events.
Priority - Enum in org.nuclos.api.notification
The Priority class is used to specify the importance of a Nuclos notification message.
Process<T extends Stateful> - Class in org.nuclos.api.businessobject
The process class represents a process in nuclos;
It is assigned to an entity that uses a statemodel and is used in rule-programming.
Process(UID, UID, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Process
Constructor using the Id of the process, the Id of the entity and class-type of the BusinessObject
Progress - Interface in org.nuclos.api
Property - Class in org.nuclos.api
Property(String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.Property
propertyMissing(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.ScriptContext
propertyMissing(String, Object) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.ScriptContext


Query<T extends BusinessObject> - Interface in org.nuclos.api.businessobject
Query bases on a BusinessObject
QueryOperation - Enum in org.nuclos.api.businessobject
QueryOperation is a base enum including all operators used in Query
QueryProvider - Class in org.nuclos.api.provider
QueryProvider provides methods for creating and executing Query for data access and methods to read single BusinessObject.
QueryProvider() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.provider.QueryProvider
QueryService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service


receive(boolean) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.MailProvider
This method retrieves all NuclosMails that can be found in the Inbox of the account mentioned in the system parameters.
receive(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.MailProvider
This method retrieves all NuclosMails that can be found in the specified folder of the account mentioned in the system parameters.
receive(boolean) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.MailService
receive(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.MailService
refreshAuthentication(RefreshAuthenticationContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.AuthenticationRule
A session with login whose lifetime has expired will call this method next time a request starts.
RefreshAuthenticationContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
register(CommunicationInterface.Registration) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.communication.CommunicationInterface
Use the registration to describe your interface.
reloadResultItem(Object) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.ResultToolbarItemContext
Reloads the given result item from server.
reloadResultList() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.ResultToolbarItemContext
Reloads (Refresh) the complete result list from server.
removeClientProperty(String, String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.ClientPropertyService
removeClientProperty(String, String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.ServerPropertyService
removeContextCacheValue(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.RuleContext
This method removes all cached data that can be found for the given key
removeLayoutComponentListener(LayoutComponentListener<PK>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponent
remove LayoutComponentListener from component
removePreference(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Preferences
removePreference(String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.PreferencesImpl
Report - Interface in
Interface representing a report object used in rule programming
ReportProvider - Class in org.nuclos.api.provider
ReportProvider provides methods for executing reports
ReportProvider() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.provider.ReportProvider
ReportService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
RequestContext<R extends RequestResponse> - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context.communication
RequestResponse - Interface in org.nuclos.api.communication.response
resetPassword(NuclosUser, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.UserProvider
This method resets the password for the given Nuclos User.
resetPassword(NuclosUser, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.UserService
This method resets the password for the given Nuclos User.
ResultToolbarItem - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui
ResultToolbarItemContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui
ResultToolbarItemFactory - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui
revokeMandator(NuclosMandator, NuclosUser) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.UserProvider
This method revokes a mandator from a given user.
revokeMandator(NuclosMandator, NuclosUser) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.UserService
This method revokes a mandator from a given user.
revokeRole(Class<? extends NuclosRole>, NuclosUser) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.UserProvider
This method dispossesses a user of the given role.
revokeRole(NuclosRole, NuclosUser) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.UserProvider
This method dispossesses a user of the given role.
revokeRole(Class<? extends NuclosRole>, NuclosUser) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.UserService
This method dispossesses a user of the given role.
revokeRole(NuclosRole, NuclosUser) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.UserService
This method dispossesses a user of the given role.
Rule - Annotation Type in org.nuclos.api.annotation
RuleContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
RuleContext represents the base context that supports elementary functions like caching that enables to pass objects throw a list of rules that are executed during one event.
RuleType - Annotation Type in org.nuclos.api.annotation
run(Class<? extends Datasource>) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.DatasourceProvider
This methods executes a query for a given Datasource-Object.
run(Class<? extends Datasource>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.DatasourceProvider
This methods executes a query for a given Datasource-Object.
run(NuclosFile, boolean, Class<? extends ImportStructureDefinition>...) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.ImportProvider
This method executes an import process by which the content of a NuclosFile is parsed using the given structure definitions and stored in the database afterwards.
run(OutputFormat, Long) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.PrintoutProvider
This method runs the Printout that belongs to the given OutputFormat and returns the generated NuclosFile
run(OutputFormat, Long, NuclosLocale) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.PrintoutProvider
This method runs the Printout that belongs to the given OutputFormat and returns the generated NuclosFile containing all localized data in the given locale language
run(OutputFormat, Long, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.PrintoutProvider
Providing the parameters this method runs the Printout that belongs to the given OutputFormat and returns the generated NuclosFile
run(OutputFormat, Long, Map<String, Object>, NuclosLocale) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.PrintoutProvider
Providing the parameters this method runs the Printout that belongs to the given OutputFormat and returns the generated NuclosFile containing all localized data in the given locale language
run(OutputFormat) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.ReportProvider
This method runs the Report that belongs to the given OutputFormat and returns the generated NuclosFile
run(OutputFormat, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.ReportProvider
Providing the parameters this method runs the Report that belongs to the given OutputFormat and returns the generated NuclosFile
run(OutputFormat, NuclosLocale) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.ReportProvider
This method runs the Report that belongs to the given OutputFormat and returns the generated NuclosFile containing all localized data in the given locale language
run(OutputFormat, Map<String, Object>, NuclosLocale) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.ReportProvider
Providing the parameters this method runs the Report that belongs to the given OutputFormat and returns the generated NuclosFile containing all localized data in the given locale language
run(UID, Map<String, Object>, NuclosLocale) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.ReportProvider
run(NuclosFile, boolean, Class<? extends XmlImportStructureDefinition>...) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.XmlImportProvider
This method executes an import process by which the content of a NuclosFile is parsed using the given structure definitions and stored in the database afterwards.
run(Class<? extends Datasource>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.DatasourceService
run(Class<? extends Datasource>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.DatasourceService
run(NuclosFile, boolean, Class<? extends ImportStructureDefinition>...) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.ImportService
This method executes an import process by which the content of a NuclosFile is parsed using the given structure definitions and stored in the database afterwards.
run(OutputFormat, Long) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.PrintoutService
run(OutputFormat, Long, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.PrintoutService
run(OutputFormat, Long, NuclosLocale) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.PrintoutService
run(OutputFormat, Long, Map<String, Object>, NuclosLocale) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.PrintoutService
run(OutputFormat) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.ReportService
run(OutputFormat, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.ReportService
run(OutputFormat, NuclosLocale) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.ReportService
run(OutputFormat, Map<String, Object>, NuclosLocale) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.ReportService
run(UID, Map<String, Object>, NuclosLocale) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.ReportService
run(NuclosFile, boolean, Class<? extends XmlImportStructureDefinition>...) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.XmlImportService
This method executes an XML import process by which the content of a NuclosFile is parsed using the given XML structure definitions and stored in the database afterwards.


save(SaveFlag...) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.Modifiable
Saves this bo.
save(NuclosFile, String) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.FileProvider
This method saves a NuclosFile in the given directory
save(NuclosFile, String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.FileService
SaveFlag - Enum in org.nuclos.api.context
Created by Oliver Brausch on 27.04.24.
ScriptContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
Context for scripting expressions.
SearchContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui.layout
Search Context
searchEntered(SearchContext) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentAdapter
searchEntered(SearchContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentListener
search entered
SearchExpression<T> - Class in org.nuclos.api.businessobject
SearchExpression represents a search expression for a Query.
SearchExpression(Attribute<T>, Attribute<T>, QueryOperation) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
This Constructor is used when there are two attributes to compare
SearchExpression(Attribute<T>, T, QueryOperation) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
This Constructor is used when a attributes is compared to a given value with a given operator
SearchExpression(Attribute<T>, QueryOperation) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
This Constructor is used when a attributes is checkd on Null or notNull
SearchExpression(SearchExpression<T>, QueryOperation) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
SearchExpressionPair<T> - Class in org.nuclos.api.businessobject
SearchExpressionPair represents a pair of search expression and operation qualifier
SearchExpressionPair(QueryOperation, SearchExpression<T>) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpressionPair
send(NuclosMail) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.MailProvider
This method sends a NuclosMail All connection settings like POP3/SMTP must be set in Nuclos as system parameters
send(InputStream) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.MailProvider
Takes an email as an .eml from an input stream and sends it.
send(NuclosMail) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.MailService
send(InputStream) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.MailService
sendClose() - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.context.MessageContext
Sends an CloseCommand to the client.
sendCommand(Command) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.context.MessageContext
Sends the given command to the client.
sendCommand(Command) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.MessageContextService
sendMessage(String) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.context.MessageContext
sendMessage(String, String) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.context.MessageContext
sendMessage(Message) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.MessageContextService
sendProgress(int, String) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.context.MessageContext
sendProgress(Progress) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.MessageContextService
ServerPropertyService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
set(Map<String, Serializable>) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.SpringInputContext
setAccount(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUserCommunicationAccount
setActivationCode(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
setApplyForAllMultiEditObjects(boolean) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputDelegateSpecification
setApplyForAllMultiEditObjects(boolean) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult
Store important information during authentication, and access them later during refresh.
setBorder(Border) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponent
setBusinessObject(T) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallRequestContext
setBusinessObjectId(Long) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.printout.Printout
set id of the business object
setBusinessObjectId(Object) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl
setBusinessObjectService(BusinessObjectService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.BusinessObjectProvider
setChangedBy(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.Modifiable
Sets name of user who last modified the object
setChunkSize(Long) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Query
setClientProperty(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.ClientPropertyService
setCommunicationService(CommunicationService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.CommunicationProvider
setCompletionConsumer(Consumer<Boolean>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.InputDelegate
A "Completion Consumer" can be optionally usedm by whom the implemenation can notify when input is (in)complete.
setContent(byte[]) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosFile
sets the content to the file
setContentType(NuclosMailContentType) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
Use this method to set the mail type of the current NuclosMail.
For NuclosMailContentType use NuclosMail constant values.
setCopies(int) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.print.PrintProperties
set quantity of printed pages
setCreatedBy(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.Modifiable
Sets name of user who created the object
setCustom1(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUserCommunicationAccount
setCustom2(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUserCommunicationAccount
setCustom3(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUserCommunicationAccount
setData(Map<String, Serializable>) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputDelegateSpecification
Setter for context data to be passed to delegate instance.
setDataLocaleService(DataLocaleService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.DataLocaleProvider
setDatasourceService(DatasourceService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.DatasourceProvider
setDefaultOption(Object) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
Set default option (of available options, only applicable for INPUT_OPTION)
setDescription(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.communication.CommunicationInterface.Registration
setDuplex(boolean) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.print.PrintProperties
set is duplex mode enabled
setEmail(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
setEntityId(UID) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl
setExpirationDate(Date) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
setFileService(FileService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.FileProvider
setFirstname(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
setFrom(String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
sets the name of the sender
setFromNumber(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallNotificationContext
setFromUserId(UID) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallNotificationContext
setGenerationService(GenerationService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.GenerationProvider
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.CustomRestResponse
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
adds an entry to the header object of the email
setHelpUrl(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.communication.CommunicationInterface.Registration
setId(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallNotificationContext
setImportService(ImportService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.ImportProvider
setLastname(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
setLifetime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult
The default lifetime is AuthenticationResult.UNSET, which means that the system is handling the session lifetime only and a refresh is never called.
setLocked(Boolean) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
setLoginWithEmailAllowed(Boolean) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
setMailService(MailService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.MailProvider
setMandatorService(MandatorService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.MandatorProvider
setMessage(String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
sets the message text of the email
setMessageContextService(MessageContextService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.MessageContext
setMultiInstanceable(boolean) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.communication.CommunicationInterface.Registration
if not set, default is false
setName(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosFile
sets the filename
setName(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponent
setNuclosUserAccount(NuclosUserCommunicationAccount) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallRequestContext
setOffset(Long) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Query
Add offset and chunkSize for the search
setOptions(Object[]) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
Set available input options, only applicable for INPUT_OPTION.
setParameterService(ParameterService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.ParameterProvider
setPassword(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUserCommunicationAccount
setPasswordChangeRequired(Boolean) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
setPasswordResetCode(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
setPreference(String, Serializable) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Preferences
setPreference(String, Serializable) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.PreferencesImpl
setPreferences(Preferences) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponent
setPreferredSize(Dimension) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponent
setPrintoutService(PrintoutService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.PrintoutProvider
setPrintServiceId(UID) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.print.PrintProperties
set print service UID used for printouts
setPrivacyConsentAccepted(Boolean) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
setProcessId(UID) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponent
setQueryService(QueryService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.QueryProvider
setReceivedDate(Date) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
Sets the date this mail was received by the server.
setReplyTo(String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
sets the reply address of the email
setReportService(ReportService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.ReportProvider
setSearchFilterId(String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl
setSentDate(Date) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
Sets the date this mail was sent.
setServerProperty(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.ServerPropertyService
setServiceNumber(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallNotificationContext
setSessionId(Long) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.JobContext
This method sets the SessionId that is passed as argument
setSetting(String, Serializable) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.Settings
setSetting(String, Serializable) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.SettingsImpl
setState(PhoneCallResponse.State) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.communication.response.PhoneCallResponse
setState(PhoneCallNotificationContext.State) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallNotificationContext
setStatemodelService(StatemodelService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.StatemodelProvider
setSubject(String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.mail.NuclosMail
sets the subject of the email
setSuperuser(Boolean) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
setSupported(boolean) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.context.SpringInputContext
setTabController(TabController) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponent
Give the layout component a handle for controlling some aspects of the tab it is displayed on.
setTaskListId(String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl
Settings - Interface in org.nuclos.api
SettingsImpl - Class in org.nuclos.api
SettingsImpl() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.SettingsImpl
setToNumber(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallNotificationContext
setToNumber(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallRequestContext
setToUserId(UID) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallNotificationContext
setTransactionService(TransactionService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.transaction.CurrentTransaction
setTrayId(UID) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.print.PrintProperties
set tray UID of the print service
setUiLocked(boolean) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.ResultToolbarItemContext
Lock the current result list (tab)
setup(Map<String, Serializable>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.InputContextSupport
setUpdateAfterExecution(boolean) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.context.CustomContext
Sets flag "UpdateAfterExecution" to control if the BusinessObject of the context is updated after rule execution.
setUsername(String) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUser
setUserService(UserService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.UserProvider
setUserSettings(String, Settings) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.UserSettingsService
setWebclientService(WebclientService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.WebclientProvider
setWebservice(WebService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.WebServiceProvider
setXmlImportService(XmlImportService) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.XmlImportProvider
shutdown(P) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.communication.CommunicationPortFactory
SingleContext<PK> - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
singleDeleteAfter(SingleContext<PK>) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentAdapter
singleDeleteAfter(SingleContext<PK>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentListener
delete entered by single object (after)
singleDeleteBefore(SingleContext<PK>) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentAdapter
singleDeleteBefore(SingleContext<PK>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentListener
delete entered by single object (before)
singleInsertAfter(SingleContext<PK>) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentAdapter
singleInsertAfter(SingleContext<PK>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentListener
singleInsertBefore(SingleContext<PK>) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentAdapter
singleInsertBefore(SingleContext<PK>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentListener
singleUpdateAfter(SingleContext<PK>) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentAdapter
singleUpdateAfter(SingleContext<PK>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentListener
singleUpdateBefore(SingleContext<PK>) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentAdapter
singleUpdateBefore(SingleContext<PK>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentListener
singleViewEntered(SingleContext<PK>) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentAdapter
singleViewEntered(SingleContext<PK>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponentListener
view entered by single object
source - Variable in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
SpringInputContext - Class in org.nuclos.api.context
SpringInputContext adds support for requesting input from the user.
State - Class in org.nuclos.api.statemodel
Represents a state of a nuclos statemodel.
State(UID, String, String, Integer, UID) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.statemodel.State
StateChangeContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
StateChangeContext represents the context used in StateChange-Rule, StateChange and StateChangeFinal
StateChangeFinalRule - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
StateChangeFinalRule is the interface that should be used to make an rule applicable for Afterwards-StateChange-Events.
StateChangeRule - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
StateChangeRule is the interface that should be used to make an rule applicable for StateChange-Events.
Stateful - Interface in org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade
May be deprecated in future release.
Stateful - Interface in org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.thin
Stateful is the interface a BusinessObject must implement to be used in StateChangeRule and StateChangeFinalRule rules
StatemodelProvider - Class in org.nuclos.api.provider
StatemodelProvider provides methods for reading, setting or changing state information for BusinessObjects.
StatemodelProvider() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.provider.StatemodelProvider
StatemodelService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
StringAttribute<T> - Class in org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute
StringAttribute is used if the attribute type provides comparison operations based on Strings
StringAttribute(String, String, String, String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.attribute.StringAttribute
supportedFlavors() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd.DropHandler
supportedFlavors Flavor supported by the handler
SystemParameter - Class in org.nuclos.api.parameter
This class represents a system parameter that has been created in Nuclos; It is usually not used by rule programmers directly, but it is part of the class NuclosSystemParameter that is created during runtime containing all parameters as SystemParameter-instances.
SystemParameter(String) - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.parameter.SystemParameter
Constructor to set a new instance of the SystemParameter class using the id of a parameter that has been created in Nuclos previously Internal use only


TabController - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui.layout
target - Variable in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
toFile() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosFileLink
toLink() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosFile
toPdf(NuclosFile) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.FileProvider
Transforms the given file to PDF.
toPdf(NuclosFile) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.FileService
toString() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult
toString() - Method in enum org.nuclos.api.locale.NuclosLocale
toString() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.Property
toString() - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl
TransactionalJobRule - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
TransactionalJobRule is the interface that should be used to make an rule transactional.
TransactionService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
transformToEml(NuclosMail, OutputStream) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.MailProvider
Transforms a NuclosMail to the EML format and writes it to the specified OutputStream.
transformToEml(NuclosMail, OutputStream) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.MailService
TransportObject - Interface in org.nuclos.api.remoting
Classes implementing this interface can be mentioned in the new remoting as JSON Type.
type - Variable in class org.nuclos.api.Property


UID - Interface in org.nuclos.api
Interface used for identifying nuclos entities; for internal use only
unlock() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.Lockable
Unlock this business object by removing the owner.
unlockAfterCommit() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.Lockable
Unlock this business object after commit by removing the owner.
UNSET - Static variable in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult
update(T, SaveFlag...) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.BusinessObjectProvider
update(NuclosUser) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.UserProvider
This method updates the given Nuclos User.
update(UpdateContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.UpdateRule
UpdateContext is the context providing all update - relevant attributes and methods.
update(T, SaveFlag...) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.BusinessObjectService
update(NuclosUser) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.UserService
This method updates the given Nuclos User.
updateAll(Collection<T>) - Static method in class org.nuclos.api.provider.BusinessObjectProvider
This method updates all BusinessObjects in the given collection.
updateAll(Collection<T>) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.service.BusinessObjectService
UpdateContext - Interface in org.nuclos.api.context
UpdateContext represents the context used in an Update-Rule, Update and UpdateFinal
updateFinal(UpdateContext) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.rule.UpdateFinalRule
UpdateContext is the context providing all updateFinal - relevant attributes and methods.
UpdateFinalRule - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
UpdateFinalRule is the interface that should be used to make an rule applicable for Afterward-Update-Events.
UpdateRule - Interface in org.nuclos.api.rule
UpdateRule is the interface that should be used to make an rule applicable for Update-Events.
User - Interface in org.nuclos.api
UserId - Static variable in interface org.nuclos.api.common.NuclosUserCommunicationAccount
Attribute: user

Entity: nuclos_userCommunicationAccount
Data type: org.nuclos.api.UID
Localized: false
Output format: null
Scale: null
Precision: null
UserProvider - Class in org.nuclos.api.provider
The UserProvider provides several methods to create users and manipulate user role data
UserProvider() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.provider.UserProvider
UserService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
The UserService provides several methods to create users and manipulate user role data
UserSettingsEditor - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui
UserSettingsService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service


v - Variable in class org.nuclos.api.ui.Alignment
value - Variable in class org.nuclos.api.businessobject.SearchExpression
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Flag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.businessobject.QueryOperation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.communication.response.PhoneCallResponse.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallNotificationContext.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.context.SaveFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.Direction.AdditionalNavigation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.locale.NuclosLocale
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.notification.Priority
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.ui.AlignmentH
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.ui.AlignmentV
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd.DropTarget
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponent.LayoutComponentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Flag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.businessobject.QueryOperation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.communication.response.PhoneCallResponse.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.context.communication.PhoneCallNotificationContext.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.context.SaveFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.Direction.AdditionalNavigation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.locale.NuclosLocale
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.notification.Priority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.ui.AlignmentH
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.ui.AlignmentV
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.ui.dnd.DropTarget
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.nuclos.api.ui.layout.LayoutComponent.LayoutComponentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Visibility - Interface in org.nuclos.api.ui
Interface for specifying the visibility of several components


WebclientProvider - Class in org.nuclos.api.provider
WebclientProvider provides support for handling the Nuclos webclient
WebclientProvider() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.provider.WebclientProvider
WebclientService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
WebclientUrl - Class in org.nuclos.api.webclient
WebclientUrl() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl
WebclientUrl.Builder - Class in org.nuclos.api.webclient
A builder for WebclientUrl
WebService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
The WebService provides methods to create and initialize stub clients for calling web-services.
WebServiceObject - Interface in
Represents a Nuclos-WebService for calling external services as a client.
For rule programming the file org.nuclet.webservice.WebServices contains instances of it that are passed to the WebServiceProvider for creating and initializing a client stub
WebServiceProvider - Class in org.nuclos.api.provider
The UserService provides several methods to create users and manipulate user role data
WebServiceProvider() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.provider.WebServiceProvider
where(SearchExpression) - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Query
Add QueryExpressions for the search
withAttribute(String, String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult.Builder
You can store important information here and access it later during a refresh.
withBusinessObject(T) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl.Builder
withBusinessObject(Class<T>) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl.Builder
withBusinessObject(Class<T>, PK) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl.Builder
withDataLanguage(NuclosLocale) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult.Builder
Data language for the new session, if in use be the system.
withDefaults() - Method in interface org.nuclos.api.businessobject.facade.Modifiable
Sets the default values, which were specified for this modifiable in the BO editor.
withLifetime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult.Builder
The default lifetime is AuthenticationResult.UNSET, which means that the system is handling the session lifetime only and a refresh is never called.
withLocale(NuclosLocale) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult.Builder
Default is NuclosLocale.DE_DE
withLoginRequired(boolean) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult.Builder
withMandatorId(UID) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult.Builder
If mandators are in use, the new session will need a selected one, similar to the login with a web- or rich-client.
withProcess(Process) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl.Builder
withSearchFilterId(String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl.Builder
withServerUri(URI) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult.Builder
Clients can reach the application server via this base URI.
withTaskListId(String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.webclient.WebclientUrl.Builder
withUserId(UID) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult.Builder
Either username or user id must be specified.
withUsername(String) - Method in class org.nuclos.api.authentication.AuthenticationResult.Builder
Either username or user id must be specified.


x - Variable in enum org.nuclos.api.ui.AlignmentH
XmlImportProvider - Class in org.nuclos.api.provider
XmlImportProvider provides methods to import XML data into Nuclos.
XmlImportProvider() - Constructor for class org.nuclos.api.provider.XmlImportProvider
XmlImportService - Interface in org.nuclos.api.service
XmlImportStructureDefinition - Interface in org.nuclos.api.objectimport
This class represents a XML structure definition that is use in rule programming to manually import data into Nuclos.


y - Variable in enum org.nuclos.api.ui.AlignmentV
YES - Static variable in class org.nuclos.api.context.InputSpecification
Variable value for yes.
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