Interface Direction<PK>

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Direction<PK> extends Serializable
TODO: Javadoc TODO: Move this class to org.nuclos.api.command (see NUCLOS-5221)
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static enum 
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns navigation options where not based on entity
    Returns the name of the entity the BusinesObject bases on
    Returns the UID of the entity the BusinesObject bases on
    Returns the primary key of this object
    Return the UID of the searchfilter which will be applied to the result list of the BusinessObject one is navigating to
    Returns URL to navigate to
    Returns is it to publish in new client tab / browser tab
  • Method Details

    • getId

      PK getId()
      Returns the primary key of this object
    • getEntityUid

      UID getEntityUid()
      Returns the UID of the entity the BusinesObject bases on
    • getEntity

      String getEntity()
      Returns the name of the entity the BusinesObject bases on
    • getSearchFilterUid

      UID getSearchFilterUid()
      Return the UID of the searchfilter which will be applied to the result list of the BusinessObject one is navigating to
    • isNewTab

      boolean isNewTab()
      Returns is it to publish in new client tab / browser tab
    • getAdditionalNavigation

      Direction.AdditionalNavigation getAdditionalNavigation()
      Returns navigation options where not based on entity
    • getUrl

      URL getUrl()
      Returns URL to navigate to